
Company Details

Disclosures pursuant to § 25 of the Austrian Media Act (Mediengesetz), § 14 of the Austrian Commercial Act (Unternehmensgesetzbuch) and § 5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (E-Commerce-Gesetz)

BERNSTEYN legal as brand of

Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt) Dr. Gerhard Dilger

Pezzlgasse 66

A-1170 Vienna, Austria

Tel +436705087003



UID: ATU 69513038

ADVM-Code: R179571

Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt) Dr. Gerhard Dilger uses the brand BERNSTEYN legal (as well as bernsteyn-legal and The law firm under Austrian law with its seat in Vienna is subject to the Austrian bar rules (RAO, RL-BA), available via, and subject to supervision of the Vienna and Austrian bar (Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien).

The object of the law firm is the practice of law, including any activities and actions required to achieve such object.

Information on Website

This website is a communications medium and addresses clients and other persons interested in legal matters. It provides information about the law firm using the brand BERNSTEYN legal and current legal issues.